Essentials of Mental Health

Ammara Arshad
7 min readJul 23, 2021


Essentials of Mental Health
Essentials of Mental Health

Your emotional, psychological, and social wellbeing is as important as your physical wellbeing to perform daily functions. The capacity to cope with bad situations varies considerably from person to person, and it affects whether or not individuals enjoy their life in major part.

If you don’t sound well mentally it can lead to several physical health problems. This article will discuss the possible reasons that deteriorate your mental health and how to cope with these situations.

If you’re here because you’re dealing with mental illness, or one of your loved ones is dealing with mental illness and you’re concerned about it. Moreover, you’d like some advice on how to proceed with your therapy regularly in your home, give this article a complete read.

Subtle Things that can Deteriorate your Mental Health

Let’s have a look at the subtle things that can deteriorate your mental health overtimes:

1. Physical Illness

Some physical factors such as birth trauma, brain damage, or drug misuse can have an immediate impact on brain chemistry, contributing to mental illness. Poor physical health, on the other hand, may hurt people’s self-esteem and capacity to achieve their goals, leading to dissatisfaction or even despair.

Receiving the greatest possible therapy for both the physical condition and the accompanying psychological repercussions is critical in such instances to achieving maximum mental health recovery.

2. Poverty

Sometimes malnourishment or poor diet leads to deterioration of mental health. In many nations, adolescence is a period of substantial life transformation. The transition to adult duties is slow and protracted in nations and communities with abundant resources.

When possibilities for employment become available, poor parents may work long hours for low compensation, putting additional demands on their children’s maturity. During adolescence, poverty has a range of effects on mental health.

3. Stress

We all know what it’s like to be anxious, yet defining what stress is may be difficult. When we say something like “this is stressful” or “I’m stressed,” we may be referring to something else entirely.

Some situations or events may put pressure on us for instance, when we have a lot to accomplish and think about, or when we don’t have a lot of control over what happens. The sentiments we experience when we are put under pressure are the feelings we have when we are faced with severe tasks.

It is a natural aspect of life to be under duress. It can assist you in taking action, feeling more energized, and achieving objectives. However, if you are frequently overwhelmed by stress, these sensations may become a problem for your mental health. Stress may wreak havoc on one’s mental health and exacerbate existing issues.

If you often struggle to manage stress, you may develop a mental health condition such as anxiety or depression.

4. Infection or Injury

The poor functioning of nerve cell circuits or pathways that connect certain brain areas has been related to several mental disorders. Neurotransmitters are substances that nerve cells in certain brain circuits use to communicate.

Medicines, psychotherapy, and other medical treatments that adjust these molecules can help brain circuits operate more effectively. Furthermore, several mental disorders have been related to abnormalities in or damage to specific regions of the brain due to some infections.

Similarly, injuries of the brain can cause mental illness. Blunt trauma is a common cause of brain disorders. Brain tissue, neurons, and nerves can all be damaged by trauma. The capacity of your brain to communicate with the rest of your body is harmed as a result of this injury.

5. Ancestral

Mental disorders can also be seen in families, so those who have a family member who suffers from one may be more prone to acquire one themselves. Susceptibility is handed down through the generations via genes.

Many mental disorders, according to experts, are connected to anomalies in several genes rather than just one or two, and that the way these genes interact with the environment is different for each person (even identical twins). That is why someone might inherit a predisposition to mental disease but not necessarily acquire it.

The interplay of many genes and other circumstances causes mental disorders.

6. Lack of Sleep

We all know that one of the most effective methods to repair our bodies is to sleep. For example, when we are unwell, we just lie in bed and sleep all day; alternatively, after a long day of rushing between classes, the gym, meetings, and extracurricular activities, our bodies desire to go into a deep slumber to restore themselves to their optimal state.

Sleep is particularly restorative because cerebrospinal fluid circulates more efficiently through the brain when we sleep, effectively “mopping” the brain of any metabolic waste products that accumulate throughout the day.

7. Drugs and Alcohol

One of the lesser-known adverse effects of drug and alcohol addiction is brain damage and harm. The risk of immediate harm from an overdose or even damage to other organs in the body, such as liver damage from alcohol addiction or heart damage from amphetamine usage, is well-known.

After just a few drinks, alcohol can cause observable memory deficits, and as the amount of alcohol consumed grows, so does the degree of impairment. Large amounts of alcohol, especially when drunk rapidly and on an empty stomach, can cause a blackout, which is defined as a period during which the inebriated individual is unable to recollect essential information or even whole occurrences.

Nonetheless, given that psychoactive chemicals’ primary impact is on the brain, it’s no surprise that long-term drug or alcohol use might result in brain damage. The debilitating and even life-threatening consequences necessitate a better knowledge of the dangers, whether they can be avoided or reversed.

To-Do List for Improving your Mental Health

Up-till now we discussed the elements that may cause deterioration to mental health. Now we may mention some steps to improve mental health.

1. Get Connected With Family and Friends

Adoption of this path may save you from stress and its related effects. This will assist you to get rid of depression.

2. Exercise and Sports Activities

Always indulge yourself in exercise and sports activities which leave a pleasant effect on your mental condition. The relationship between physical activity and improved mental health and wellness is now well known to everyone. Regular exercise and participation in sports activities have been shown to help those with depression and anxiety.

It also helps you relax, enhances your memory, sleep better, and improves your general mood. You don’t have to be a fitness enthusiast to get the rewards. Small amounts of exercise, according to research, can have a significant impact.

You can learn to use exercise as a powerful tool to deal with mental health issues, improve your energy and outlook, and get more out of life, no matter what your age or fitness level is.

3. Proper Sleep At Night

Getting enough sleep, usually, 7 to 9 hours each night, is the most basic kind of sleep deprivation therapy. This is frequently easier said than done, especially if you haven’t had any sleep in weeks or even months. After this, you may want assistance from your doctor or a sleep expert, who can diagnose and treat a suspected sleep issue if necessary.

Sleep problems can make it difficult to get a good night’s sleep. They may also raise your chance of developing the above-mentioned physical consequences of sleep deprivation. The quality of sleep should be assessed if someone sleeps too much, more than 7–9 hours each night. If your sleep is of poor quality, you may find yourself spending more time in bed.

Your body needs deep restorative sleep, and if you don’t get it within the prescribed 7–9 hours, your body will strive to extend the sleep time to get the kind of sleep it requires. One should avoid oversleeping because it also harms mental health.

You may follow the below-mentioned tips to get better sleeping hours:

  1. To perform at your best, figure out how many hours of sleep you need.
  2. Then, based on your job schedule or family obligations, decide your WAKE TIME.
  3. EVERY DAY, including weekends, GET UP AT THE SAME TIME.
  4. Position your alarm clock on the other corner of the bedroom from where you want to wake up. When it rings, GET UP. There will be no such thing as a snooze button.
  5. Every night, go to bed at the SAME TIME, within a half-hour range.
  6. COMMIT to this for at least two weeks, with a target of four, before reassessing your sleep and wake hours.

4. Avoid Drugs and Alcohol

Make sure and commit yourself to avoid drugs and alcohol. The following suggestions may be useful for the purpose:

Participate in non-drug activities. Talk about how you may invite your friends to join as well.

If your friend is in danger or feels forced to use drugs or alcohol, he or she can call you for a ride.

Spend time with persons who aren’t addicted to drugs or alcohol.

Avoid parties where you know there will be drugs or alcohol.

5. Meditation and Online Therapy

Several online meditation courses can help you in improving your mental health like Foundations of Mindfulness, Mindfulness and Well-being, and A Meditation Class from UDemy.

You can also check out these videos for your anxiety and several other mental health issues; Meditation for Anxiety, Mindfulness Meditation, and A Guided Meditation.

This is life and everyone is facing problems and other difficulties which deteriorate their mental conditions. But we should face them with courage and try to defeat these problems and get a safe way to save ourselves from the worries to keep our mental condition workable healthy state.

Whenever we feel some sort of mental deterioration we should consult our physician to get rid of it.

So, look after yourself and your loved ones!



Ammara Arshad
Ammara Arshad

Written by Ammara Arshad

Content Writer; passionate about creating inspirational and engaging content for you.

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