Practice English speaking When You are Home Alone
It’s a dream to become a fluent English speaker especially when you are not a native speaker. Sounds like a native fascinate us because people in this era do not take the English language just a mere language but a brand that can make you well-reputed and noble within no time. Everybody who wants to turn his dreams into reality must put effort to make them happen.
There are lots of strategies available on social media to adopt fluency in English speaking includes; checking out grammar rules, memorizing vocabulary, reading English stuff, watching podcasts, and listening to audiobooks. But you cannot become a fluent English speaker without practicing as much as you can. Speaking is the use of the tongue, and without using it mere listening or reading might not be as effective. Therefore, speaking practice with natives, peers or practice online with your tutor is the best way to get fluency.
What Fluency actually is?
If you are thinking that fluency means the speed of speaking the English language, then my dear you are on the wrong side. Fluency is not to be a speedy speaker because it can make you un-perceivable and absurd. Even, having a native accent does not mean you are a fluent English speaker.
Fluency is to speak in a moderate, well-manner way without hustle or using slang words. If you are conveying your point in complete sentences (whether they are short or long phrases) without unnecessary breaks or pauses it means you are a fluent speaker.
Here is one problem that many people face; they do not find anybody to practice with. So, practicing at home is a little bit difficult task for these people. Here are some useful strategies to practice English speaking if you are home alone.
Talk to mirror
This is an amazing trick to talk to you in English and also in this way you can keep an eye on yourself. Spare 30 minutes from your hectic routine, prepare a topic of discussion or you can randomly talk on any topic in from of the mirror. At the start, it will be slightly boring and awkward to talk to the mirror with yourself. But, it’s normal, and do not give up.
Talking to you and looking straight into your eyes boost the confidence level. This absolute strategy will work only when you make it a habit.
Write a daily diary
This might be helpful when you start writing your daily routine at the end of the day, maybe before going to bed. Speak along with the writing as this is the only key to fluency. Writing and summarizing your daily routine could be beneficial because it gives you a grip on a daily basis conversation. All the time you cannot be a formal person to everyone.
The daily routine conversation will help you to talk to your friends and people surrounding you all day. It might add to your confidence and you feel more casual and relaxed while having a conversation with someone.
Record a video on your cell phone
This is the only way to evaluate your gradual progress in this journey. Record a video on your cell phone and talk on any topic you like. The video may be no longer than 15 minutes. Do it on daily basis and watch your accent, fluency, confidence while speaking. Every day, compare the new video with the previous one and evaluate the progress. If there is a huge difference between the first recorded video and recording a month after then congratulations! Yes, I mean you are on your way to success. Carry on until you reach the limit you dreamed of.
Repeat the sentences/phrases while listening to an audio-book
If you are home alone, and keen to listen to English podcasts, news, audiobooks then this may be the best idea to speak English. While listening to this stuff repeat the same sentence while stopping the recording in between. At first, it will frustrate you but once you become used to it you will love it.
If you are a fiction lover, listen to a fiction love story, Cinderella, assume the situation take a deeper dive into the situation. Repeat the sentences with full emotions as you are feeling what is happening inside the story. This trick will work like magic, believe me.
Sing English songs
Music always has a soothing and relaxing effect on nerves. Music can change your moods at any time. When you are listening to your favorite music, you cannot help repeating the lyrics even in your head.
If you are one of them, then cash your habit to chase your dream. Listen to English songs, you can select your favorite ones, and sing with the singer. Memorize the lyrics if you cannot get them at the start, and practice them whenever you want. It can practice it while performing house chores, doing a grocery, or having a morning walk.
Mimic your favorite personality
If you have a crush on somebody whose accent or way of speaking you admire, you definitely want to mimic his way of talking. This might help you to practice English speaking at home. Try to mimic the way he or she speaks and also work on the accent.
One thing that matters a lot in speaking the English language is the accent. Accent has a major influence on how you are being perceived while having a conversation with somebody.
However, copying someone’s accent and enforcing own yourself is not admirable. As long as you are speaking in a moderate tone without pauses and everybody can get your point, it’s good. You can adapt your own accent by practicing English speaking.
Spend on your dream
There are hundreds of mobile (android / iOS) applications that help to practice English speaking at home. CAMBLY, TALK, and Duolingo are good language learning websites and mobile applications.
CAMBLY offers you an online English tutor that can help you with your speaking and point out mistakes you are making. It is a suitable option because you can choose the practice hours according to your availability.
Fluency comes with practice and this is the only winning formula. There is no shortcut to success. You can adopt any of the given solutions depending upon the situation and your mindset. Because imposing something on you will never give the desired results.
Work on the grammar and vocabulary as well because without these you cannot understand/learn any language. But, practice is the key to fluency. Try to communicate with the person who is already fluent speak may be native. It will have a major impact on your progress.
However, if it is not possible to approach somebody to practice with then at least get yourself registered at any online website where you can find a native speaker for practice. Many people are offering tutor services online to teach English speaking. This might be a little bit expensive but you have to spend money if you want better results in a short time period.
If you are struggling with the same issue let’s discuss your experience in the comment section. Tell us if you know another magic trick that works well.